<aside> 💡 **This page has been built as a notebook for myself while solving Ethernaut challenges. Some of the solutions may not be so descriptive.

Keep in mind that I have solved all by myself and I have tried to explain details in complex challenges as much as possible. Since the purpose was not writing a guide, it might not Just a few of solutions may be missing, but for those I have shared walk-through articles which are not written by me.

This document might be helpful for you if you don’t want to read a long walk-through, but you want to read a keyword as a hint. Good luck!


Level 0 - Hello Ethernaut

Level 1 - Fallback

Level 2 - Fallout

Level 3 - Coin Flip

Level 4 - Telephone

Level 5 - Token

Level 6 - Delegation

Level 7 - Force

Level 8 - Vault

Level 9 - King

Level 10 - Re-entrancy

Level 11 - Elevator

Level 12 - Privacy

Level 13 - Gatekeeper One !!!!

Level 14 - Gatekeeper Two

Level 15 - Naught Token

Level 16 - Preservation

Level 17 - Recovery

Level 18 - Magic Number

Level 19 - Alien Codex

Level 20 - Denial

Level 21 - Shop

Level 22 - Dex !!!

Level 23 - Dex Two

Level 24 - Puzzle Wallet

Level 25 - Motorbike !!!!

Level 26 - Double Entry Point

Level 27 - Good Samaritan

Level 28 - Gatekeeper Three

Level 29 - Switch

Level 30 - HigherOrder

Level 31 - Stake